
Welcome to Working Solutions. We offer independent contractor, work-at-home opportunities for folks located in either the United States, Canada or Jamaica.

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Celebrating Freedom in the Work Place

“Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.” – Albert Einstein

In the United States, this is the time of year we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  Our forefathers fought bravely to ensure that we were free from oppression and could choose our future occupations, religion and life pursuits. As we approach another July 4th celebration, it’s a good time to reflect on how many opportunities we truly have, particularly when it comes to our work place.

As Einstein said, great and inspiring work comes from those who are free. We know our teams of independent contractors and employees come together every day to create amazing results for customers. The type of freedom our forefathers fought for and enjoyed can be seen today among these very people.

Think about it – the laborers of the past were true artisans. They built businesses based on their skills and passions, and served a community who needed that service. Independent contractors are very much the same, but with different, often better, tools. These people serve customers with excellence stemming from a passion for what they do. Plus, they truly embrace the same value on which this country was founded – freedom.

Today’s work place leaders claim to honor and support creativity, yet often create environments that stifle it due to restrictions put into place in order to monitor the very team of people they claim to inspire. Truly, some of the most efficient, passionate, creative and capable people are independent contractors, who work outside the norm of a work place. These are true entrepreneurial types who want to contribute without micromanagement. They believe in providing the best results and create outstanding work product, not because they are on a certain schedule or being watched by a floor supervisor, but because they are passionate, capable people.

We are so fortunate to know so many who embrace the foundation this great country was built on – freedom. Having the freedom to choose the type of work you do, who you do that work for, and how you deliver that work is a testament to our independence as a country. It’s a tribute to all that our forefathers believed, and is a skill that we value as an organization.

During this holiday while you are reflecting on our many liberties as a country, remember to salute those who fought for those liberties, and remember to honor those who embrace them – like those who choose to be an independent contractor!


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