Welcome to Working Solutions. We offer independent contractor, work-at-home opportunities for folks located in either the United States, Canada or Jamaica.
We do not accept applicants located outside of the United States, Canada or Jamaica.
When you consider working from home, you may have some or all the technology you need to get started. However, to work at home effectively and to maximize your revenue-generating time, consider these important factors:
A small lightweight laptop may be convenient and portable, but not powerful enough to handle multitasking. A powerful gaming desktop may be extraordinarily fast but cost too much. Look for computers designed for small business—those are typically built with enough memory for multitasking and designed with productivity in mind.
What you are looking for:
For the best cost-savings and lowest downtime, a traditional desktop computer is the way to go, as you can replace or upgrade components where necessary—sometimes by doing it yourself. However, if you find yourself needing to work at a different location regularly, a small-business laptop is a viable option. Make sure you have a large, high-resolution display (HD or better) and wired networking capabilities to ensure secure work wherever you go.
For laptops:
Make sure you’re using up-to-date networking equipment: use modern routers and switches and ensure all your network cables are in good condition—a bad network cable between your computer and the router or modem can wreak havoc with your network quality. As well, make sure you’ve subscribed to enough bandwidth from your local internet service provider; if there are multiple other devices on your premises, someone else hogging all the bandwidth can cause your quality to drop.
Check out our FAQs to learn more about our network and computer requirements.