Get More Accomplished while working from home
After more than 20 years in the on-demand contact center industry, I’ve come across some great work-from-home practices and a few not-so-good ones, too.
Whatever the work style or work space, an agent needs to be efficient and productive. While remote work from home is flexible, it isn’t a free-for-all. Routine and discipline are required to get the job done right.
- Balance Cell Phone Time: Since you have the freedom of working from home make sure you are keeping cell phone usage to a minimum. The temptation will always be there but try putting it in your desk drawer or removing it from your line of site. Also make sure the ringer is turned off and just let voicemail pick up any non-work-related calls. Even when you are participating in a virtual meeting, make sure to not get distracted by your cell phone. Find yourself needing a little extra help in monitoring your cell phone usage during work hours? There is an app for that! Check out these 4 apps that can help you stay focused on your work tasks.
- No-bark zone: Keeping your dog (or any pet) quiet while working can be a big task if you aren’t prepared. Plan ahead and make sure that your pet has something to do, provide them with some entertainment. Interactive games and toys will help occupy your dog’s attention. There are even apps for cats to play games to distract them for quite some time. Need other ideas, check out these tips from Bark Busters.
- Kids-free workspace: Just like pets are a distraction, so are kids. Create a schedule with your kids and stick to it. Maybe that means you drop your kids off at day care or you set up a flex schedules with your spouse. Just make sure you set up child care exactly like if you were going into an office. Learn a few tips from a work-from-home parent that has a 10-month-old and a 2-year-old.
- Minimize Noise: Okay, the dog is happy. Kids are safe and sound. But what about other interruptions? Honking cars. Amazon deliveries. While you have done everything you can do to create a quiet workspace, uncontrollable noises are still going to come up. Try upgrading your headset to a noise canceling headset or even using sound-absorbing drapes. Here are more ideas on minimizing noise distractions while working.
- No chips and dip: Working at home gives you easy access to the kitchen 24/7 but be careful. Not only do you want to avoid some weight gain from mindless snacking, but you also want to avoid smack ‘in in people’s ear! Of course, we don’t regulate agent eating but just want you to be aware. We do, however, recommend low-decibel food when working, such as these ideas from BuzzFeed for 19 quiet snacks.