Nothing Undercover About It
You’ve probably watched, or at least heard about, the CBS reality show, Undercover Boss. In each episode, a senior executive masquerades as an entry-level worker, assigned to all kinds of tough tasks.
After a stint on the job, the executive’s identity is revealed and dedicated workers are rewarded. While not a fan, I’ve seen the show. And though good things happen, I’d rename it, Clueless Executives.
Here’s why: If a leader needs to go undercover, then he or she hasn’t a clue about the company. Business isn’t a reality show. It’s not about working in disguise. And it’s not a drive-by into operations.
Celebrating Agents
Done well, it’s about caring. Every day. Recognizing good work. Everywhere. That’s what behind appreciating our agents—this week and year-round. And there’s nothing undercover about it.
This week, our appreciation is more special as we celebrate 20 years in business on Oct. 2. The celebration adds to our regular activities nationwide in 2016.
They include agent gatherings I attended in Las Vegas and Atlanta, along with others in Miami and Dallas this fall, ongoing education at Working Solutions University and weekly client program coffees and rallies.
Launched Agent Site
Add to them our new agent website, launched last week. There, we showcase our company’s caring culture and stories of agents, such as Beth, Marilee and Dennise. Their profiles, along with others, highlight personalized service and customer care.
Their contributions—from helping families find homes for loved ones to going the extra mile for travelers—affirm the reasons why we’re in business. They’re why colleagues and I are on the phone, online and in the field, working to ensure every agent’s success.
This year, Working Solutions was recognized for the second time by FlexJobs as a Top 100 company for remote jobs. Other respected businesses, such as Forbes and Money magazine, echoed the praise.
Nothing Comes Close
While their recognition and coverage mean a lot, nothing—and I mean nothing—comes close to agents telling me how we changed their lives. Enabled them to be home with their kids. Care for a parent. Earn a degree.
It’s them—and all of you—that I think about every day. It how’s an idea that started in a one-woman office in Omaha, Nebraska, became so much more.
It’s how dreams, dreamed big with great people, come true. Bless you.