April 14, 2022
How Remote Jobs are Helping Military Spouses Thrive
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Filed under: Work at Home Hacks
Being a military spouse can be difficult, especially if you’d like to have a full-time job. Oftentimes, military spouses must quit their jobs at the spur of the moment so their family member can head out to another deployment. This is one of the reasons why some military spouses struggle with having work stability. In recent years, remote work has become a preferred alternative for military spouses, helping them thrive and grow professionally.
While it used to be difficult to find remote jobs, that is no longer the case today. Many companies are moving to a remote-only workspace, and there are now websites devoted to helping place people in remote work. Here are some of the many benefits of remote work for military spouses:
1. You Can Work Anywhere

Shutterstock; Photo by Jacob Lund
Naturally, this is the number-one benefit of a remote job for anyone. Still, it is crucial for military spouses, who tend to move around more frequently than the average person. This advantage allows military spouses to continue with the same work year after year, regardless of where they live. The only time they may have to take a break is during the few days when they are physically moving from one location to another.
2. You Can Make a Lot of Money

Shutterstock; Photo by Abbey Benson
According to the Council of Executive Advisors, military spouses earn roughly 27% less than their civilian peers. If you calculate that over a 20-year military career, it adds up to a lot of money. With remote gigs, the compensation is usually a little bit higher than average, and most remote companies are flexible on where their workers live. Naturally, you’ll have to meet specific requirements and credentials to qualify for the job, just like you would with a civilian job. But as a general rule, working remotely gives most people the chance to earn what they feel they are worth.
3. You Can Gain a Consistent Employment History

Shutterstock; Photo by Rido
Rather than quitting your job because your spouse is moving, you can continue working with the same company. This, in turn, allows you to list a consistent work history on your resume, which goes very far when you decide you want another gig in the future. With remote work, you can stick with the same company for a long time, and your resume will look much better as a result.
Remote gigs can keep you working for long periods of time, which also makes your resume look better.
Another advantage to having a consistent work history is that it allows you to sharpen your skills and become even better at your job. Working consistently on specific projects or tasks allows you to hone your more important professional skills.
4. You Don’t Necessarily Need a College Degree

Shutterstock; Photo by Jacob Lund
Yet another huge advantage of remote work is that you’ll find them with all types of educational requirements. This means that even if you don’t have a college degree, it’s still very possible to find a well-paying gig that you qualify for. Military spouses often have difficulty completing their degrees, due to moving around a lot. Still, telecommuting gives you access to work opportunities that require only a high-school diploma or GED – sometimes even less. Again, most remote companies are looking for people with specific skill sets and experience, and there are lots of these jobs available.
5. You Can Gain a Lot of Fringe Benefits and Perks

Shutterstock; Photo by Pixel Prose Images
There are perks associated with a remote job that you don’t always get with a regular job. First of all, these jobs are a little more flexible, and allow you to take time out of your day to run errands or complete household chores. You can advance in your career while your spouse develops theirs, and it is much easier for you to have a good work-home balance. Plus, it is usually easier for you to take a day or week off if you decide you need a short break.
These things are essential to military spouses, who usually need some flexibility in their schedules. What’s even better, there are companies, like Working Solutions, devoted to helping people find remote, flexible independent contractor work in Customer Service, so you can always start here.