The paradigm of The New World of Work is the most important economic change we’ve seen in our generation. One of the key things to consider when navigating this change is grasping the ever-changing landscape of technology.
Technology has now enabled the worker in ways that revolutionize entire industries. Talent, skills, experience and knowledge can now be monetized anywhere in the world. Virtualization has become a game changer in the world of IT for every business, and it is laying the groundwork for the New World of Work evolution. Since IT has recognized the benefits of efficiencies and capabilities never possible in the brick-and-mortar facility, the marriage of virtualization and the contingent workforce is now complete.
As technology continues to evolve, computers will provide increasingly automated tasks, leaving the more complex, dynamic-thinking tasks to humans. This will require a more qualified, skilled, and knowledgeable workforce than ever before. Just as the Industrial Revolution automated the manufacturing industry, creating specialized machine operators, the Knowledge Revolution will require specialized skill sets to complete the tasks and run the technology machines of the future.
As an employer, in order to compete for talent, you must have the best technology and tools for your workforce. More important than ever before, your tools must be able to integrate with other tools with minimal effort. Gone are the days when everyone ran proprietary software; now all applications need to have the ability to integrate and work together based on standards: a communication and transaction network where everyone and everything is fully connected and working together, virtually.
What are the required technologies for the future of work?
High-speed access
Broadband or high-speed access is probably the single most important contributing factor to virtualization and the global workforce. By connecting the world within milliseconds, you can collaborate and communicate in real-time, without worrying about geographic boundaries.
Minimum computing configuration
It’s back to the mainframe or at least the concept. In a virtualized world with a global workforce, thin clients allow staff to tap into the computing power they need to work effectively. These simplified computers, which rely heavily on other, more complex devices in a network, now make it easier to secure, manage, and scale workers from an IT perspective.
The next-generation workforce will require virtual collaboration skills to participate in group or team projects. Their individual contributions can be used independently or packaged together and reassembled as part of a group or team effort. The latest tools will replace face-to-face meetings, phone calls and even email, making them a staple in every office environment.
Cloud-based applications
You can hardly look at an IT strategy document today without seeing mention of cloud computing, even though it has been around for years. This model has now crossed the chasm to penetrate corporate America, which traditionally relied on internal infrastructure. This is a significant shift in IT mindset in what will certainly be remembered as a disruptive technology strategy that changed the way the world works, literally.
The force that brings it all together – mobile. Smart phones and tablets are changing the world at a greater pace than the adoption of any technology prior to their existence. Understand how the cloud and mobile devices are changing the way we live, and you will recognize how the New World of Work will empower the worker and change the way the world works.
Technology is empowering, disruptive and necessary in order to compete in today’s environment. It is critical to compete in the New World of Work. Whether you are the executive of an organization or a person wanting to change the way you work, grasping technology is a key contributor to your success.