Morgan feels she has found a real gem in Working Solutions. “Everybody has been really, really kind to me.”
Six years of experience in the healthcare, communications, and consumer and retail industries, with an associate’s degree in psychology.
Speaks Customer Service
Morgan speaks two languages. The first is English. The second is customer service—learned through years of contact center work in the healthcare, communications, and consumer and retail industries.
“People just want to be listened to and understood. They want to know that you personally get their problem and will try to fix it—even if you can’t. Not being dismissive, but letting customers know they matter is huge.”
Morgan has an associate’s degree in psychology, adding insight to her past supervisory roles in quality assurance and her most recent role as a resource leader.
Having worked three years for another home-based contact center, Morgan feels she has found a real gem in Working Solutions, which she joined in 2013.
“Everybody has been really, really kind to me,” she said. “Finding that people cared and took the time to get to know me and help me was a real shock and something I had to get used to.”
So, when it comes to serving customers, Morgan simply mirrors the same caring culture that surrounds her at work.
Offers Resourceful Solution
It was just around midnight and Morgan’s shift was ending when an upset husband and wife were transferred to her.
The husband’s smartphone—a replacement for his original phone that had malfunctioned—had started experiencing problems. This occurred right after the expiration date for an immediate store exchange.
“They were double-teaming me and insisted on getting a loaner, since he would be without the phone for two weeks while it was getting warrantied,” said Morgan. “While I sympathized with them, I knew the client didn’t allow for that.”
Morgan’s shift was officially over by this point and she wanted to go to bed. Normally, her options would be: 1) Get back to the customer the next day; or 2) politely tell them there was nothing she could do.
She, however, pursued a more resourceful, third option.
Suspecting that particular phone model or lot was flawed, Morgan called the manufacturer on the other side of the globe to see what could be done.
Turns out, there was a solution—securing a new, upgraded phone for the customer. Delivered overnight—with extraordinary customer service.
“People just want to be listened to and understood.”
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